The leadership that brought us thus far are not exactly the same as those we need for a remote team culture.
We need to create new agreements to coordinate actions, build and sustain a new trust (since control is not possible), generate cohesion by paying more attention to each individuals uniqueness and to the changing processes we face. Promote communication, collaboration and commitment focused on what we are achieving, being sensitive to the cultural or economic differences from which each person connects. Use other tools (visual, auditory, gestural, etc.) to be more effective, design differently how we are going to organize ourselves so that in the end, the results achieved are similar to those designed.
Be a part of the experience.
Remote Leadership
«In a world like this, in continuous change, if we do not learn to listen to the signals of others, it will be too late when we want to turn around and discover that we are alone, and to continue learning through others.»


Leaders need first to be aware, before they internalise the need to change. This project aims to influence, create awareness and change, enhancing the sense of urgency for transformation, incorporating new beliefs and interpretations of reality to replace existing ones, and promoting behavioural change in the way leaders relate to their teams at all levels.
Remote leadership is based on the ability of people to converse and generate conversations that connect with the needs of others, listen with empathy, and adjust commitments aimed at achieving results, respecting the autonomy of the teams through alignment in the vision and the necessary actions to achieve these results, synchronizing the teams from the respect and sustainable pace.


Based on an assessment of your current situation and the objective you have set, we will propose a series of tools, concepts, values, and competencies.
In collaboration with you, we can design the theme, the audience, the duration, the frequency (if needed) and all the variables necessary to uncover the potential and talent to expand the future.
Co-creating spaces tailored to the needs of your participants, managers, commercial areas, staff, etc.
Inspiring according to your needs from 45 minutes to 3 or 4 hours

The team

A highly qualified team. All European School of Coaching facilitators and trainers are specialized in Executive Coaching and are certified by European School of Coaching. They hold the maximum level international accreditations and ICF, ACC; PCC, MCC, as well as having solid professional and business expertise. We are Scrum Master certified and seasoned in agile contexts and frameworks. We are endorsed by more than 18 years of experience and over 17,000 professionals that we have trained worldwide.

EEC is boutique consulting