Luis Carchak

Teams coaching
Coaching de Equipos en la Práctica

Accompanying crafts to facilitate changes in teams, companies and their leaders. Developed by the author over more than 20 years of experience working with teams.
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Juan Vera

Articulators of the Possible: The Art of Coaching in Power and Politics

An analysis of the world of power and politics, and the art of accompanying in the construction of the society in which we want to live and the organizations in which we want to participate.
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Silvia Guarnieri and EEC team

Distinciones de coaching. Construirnos a través del lenguaje

More than fifty distinctions in the language, words with a great weight such as self-esteem, responsibility, guilt, commitment, need... matured over twenty years in the coaching profession.
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Coaches, trainers, consultants and experienced coaches accompanying individuals, teams and organizations in Escuela Europea de Coaching have collected their reflections on paper.

Silvia Guarnieri

Founding partner and academic director

Master Coach Certified and Mentor Coach by the ICF USA. Founding partner of the Escuela Europea de Coaching, which opened its doors in 2003.

Rafael Echeverria

Founding Partner and President of Newfield Consulting

Rafael Echeverría is an influential Chilean sociologist and doctor of philosophy, renowned for developing the Ontology of Language discourse.

Luis Carchak

Director of the Coaching Teams program

Responsible for the specialization programs EEC Team Coaching and Team Coaching in Family Businesses.

Juan Vera

Strategic consultant and partner at Gestation

Expert in strategic accompaniment of organizations. Power and politics in Coach. Coaches trainer.

Francisco J. Junquera

Executive Coach by EEC

MCC Coach by ICF. As head of the Coaching and Health area of EEC, she has designed the Biology of Change Observer Program.