La ciencia detrás de un arte: el coaching

qué base científica hay en el impresionismo? Van Gohg se sentaba en un prado para plasmar el reflejo del sol y el viento en los árboles. El resultado es una pintura rugosa, exquisita en detalles y que parece estar viva. 

El coaching, lo que sucede entre coach y coachee es, como en el impresionismo, un arte que deviene de la habilidad del coach para "estar presente" con lo que el cliente va narrando, explorando y sintiendo. 

El arte impresionista, sin embargo, no lo hace cualquiera. Estos artistas son expertos técnicos en perspectiva, en color, en material... Lo mismo que el coach, que es experto en cierta ténica de escucha, de poner foco para alcanzar objetivos, de preguntar... Unlike most business processes, which tend to reduce information to abstractions, executive coaching engages with people in customized ways that acknowledge and honor their individuality. It helps people know themselves better, live more consciously, and contribute more richly. The essentially human nature of coaching is what makes it work—and also what makes it nearly impossible to quantify. Executive coaching is distinct from other types of coaching. The broader field of coaching includes life planning, career counseling, health and nutritional advice, New Age aura readings, and training in skills from public speaking to flirtation. We don’t do that stuff. Our role is to help “coachees”—the people being coached—produce business results for their employers. Executive coaching is also distinct from psychotherapy; indeed, people who need therapy tend to make poor candidates for coaching. That said, most executive coaching is intellectually indebted to a small number of disciplines, including consulting, management, organizational development, and psychology.

  1. help leaders adapt to new responsibilities
  2. reduce destructive behaviors
  3. improve retention with a perceived perk
  4. enhance teamwork
  5. align individuals to collective goals
  6. facilitate succession
  7. support organizational change

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